
Divas Dream White Gold Necklace

3 customer reviews Sold: 16

This ring is crafted with rose gold and polished by hand for high shine. Wear on its own or partnered with classic silhouettes for an unexpected pairing.

  • 18k rose gold
  • Features Tiffany & Co. hallmark


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SKU: MEGA-JEWE-04 Categories: Tags: Brand:


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The entwined ends of Tiffany Knot’s signature motif symbolize the power of connections between people. Balancing strength and elegance, each Tiffany Knot design is a complex feat of craftsmanship. This ring is crafted with rose gold and polished by hand for high shine. Wear on its own or partnered with classic silhouettes for an unexpected pairing.

Looking like a French girl isn’t as difficile as it seems. Handcrafted in vermeil, a thick 18k gold layer on sterling silver. Consider this croissant-inspired hoops to make all your Parisian dreams come true.

– Made in gold vermeil: a thick 18k gold layer on sterling silver.

– Diameter: 17.15 mm.

– Width: 3.8 – 6.0 mm.

Consider this croissant-inspired

Looking like a French girl isn’t as difficile as it seems. Handcrafted in vermeil, a thick 18k gold layer on sterling silver.


How do you pronounce that? We’ve got you: ver – may. Not to be confused with regular gold plating, our vermeil is a thick layer of 18k solid gold on sterling silver.


14K Gold

Metal Color



Round Blue Sapphire 0.61

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3 reviews for Divas Dream White Gold Necklace

  1. admin

    I have been a Themeforest customer since November 2017. This Author has the best support they have ever given me

  2. admin

    Quick and decisive in technical assistance!

  3. admin

    Very Good customer support. Immediate response. Theme Looks great.

    Divas Dream White Gold Necklace
    Divas Dream White Gold Necklace
    Divas Dream White Gold Necklace
    Divas Dream White Gold Necklace
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